Recommendations: September 2009 Archives

Disposable nappies compared

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We've used four kinds of disposable nappies so far:
I'd classify them into 'Huggies' and 'the rest'. The Huggies appear to be the best-constructed with the stretchiest elastic and best velcro-like tabs. However 'the rest' were all equally as efficient.
We have used disposables consistently for night-time and outings plus my husband prefers the Moltex when he does changes (he has a free pass on cloth nappies).
I have read in multiple places 'not to bother' with cheaper brands, but anecdotal evidence from mothers' group plus using these four products suggests there isn't much difference between them.
When choosing an 'eco' disposable, we slightly prefer the Moltex over the Bambo but given the Bambo is slightly cheaper, I would definitely recommend either. However, if you use 'eco' disposables you need to compost them for any real environmental benefit. See the Moreland Energy Foundation 'Energy for Babies Kit'.

Baby BeeHinds Wool Wrap - reviewed

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The BBH wool wrap is a good choice for a wool cover. They come in BBH's great range of cheerful, fun colours, and as you would expect, works well with their range of fitted nappies.
I've mainly used it in conjunction with the Mother-ease Sandy's nappy.
Now that our test subject is approx 8kg he's grown out of the wool cover, which is recommended up to 7kg. However, the PUL cover still fits and I note BBH recommend this product to 8kg. So, although the wool is also a small, it's a smaller fit than the PUL.
The cover is nice and soft, with elasticised legs and waist, laundry tabs, and an extra panel of wool sewn down the centre . 
The only thing I noticed about the BBH velcro closing is that I instinctively close the nappies right-to-left (as a right-hander) but the velcro fastens left-to-right.

BBH wool.jpg

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