I was quite skeptical about the Mother-ease AIO when I first purchased it, as Mother-ease primarily do two-layer systems of nappy and cover, and the AIO looked somewhat like an after-thought. I was also not convinced about the popper closure system. However, it's actually quite a good product and easy to use. The poppers close at both the waistband and leg, so the nappy is more adjustable than one that just has a single set of poppers to close. There is plenty of elactic, so no leaks, and it has a reasonable drying time. This is a definite contender is you were using an all-in-one system.
The nappy is not 'extensible' in any way, i.e. you can't add inserts or boosters, so for heavy wetters or night-times you might reach the limit of the nappy.

The nappy is not 'extensible' in any way, i.e. you can't add inserts or boosters, so for heavy wetters or night-times you might reach the limit of the nappy.

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